Service Design for a Circular Economy

Portret Matilde
Written by
Matilde Cantinho
Digital Content Producer
Mai 10, 2022 . 0 mins read
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Five steps on how to make your circular vision concrete

After collaborating on projects contributing toward a circular economy, we realised something – we know a lot about it. Our experience told us Service Design has the right tools to make circularity a concrete and successful reality.

This white paper highlights the approach’s potential for a successful circular transition and its benefits. We reflect on how Service Design can act as the glue between technological solutions and the teams incorporating them while generating the necessary organisational change for this transition.

With five concrete steps and different tools used to design a new system together, enriched with real case studies, you will have a roadmap for the future:

  1. Listen to all stakeholders
  2. Create a visual overview
  3. Check and evaluate the accuracy
  4. Identify the challenges
  5. Create action plans


Do you want to bring your circular vision to life?

This is your chance to get your organisation one step closer to the circular transition. If you are excited about this topic as we are at Koos, download the white paper, and enjoy your reading!

Portret Matilde
Written by
Matilde Cantinho
Digital Content Producer
Mai 10, 2022 . 0 mins read
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